The Merengue Soul

What is SARS…UM i mean SRS – Stinky Runner Syndrome?  It’s basically the syndrome where you have these favorite runners you LOVE to wear but they stink to high heaven!

This post is created to get feedback from the general passerbyer public on how to prevent this from happening to your favorite shoes and/or what to do if you caught it!~

Here’s a few …keep those ideas comin’

  • Never wear bare feet with your runners even if their smaller sized than what you would generally choose. Get those extra thin socks but do wear socks!
  • Lysol?
  • Replacing the insoles inside your runners because they do pull out
  • anything else?

UPDATE FOR 2016: A COOL LAD TOLD ME…..WEAR WHITE SOCKS ONLY. when you wear colored socks..that is what makes your shoes stink. Make the switch and avoid the stink. Cheers lol!

et cetera